It was established following a decision made by the Board of Trustees on 26-9-2005; it started its work on 5-12-2005
The Unit aims at many goals and objectives. Following up issues related to graduate students, for example, has always been preoccupying the minds of many people such as; the University's administration, the graduate students, their families and the institutions interested in recruiting the graduates of the University. Therefore, the main goal of establishing the Alumni Unit is following up the progress of An-Najah University's graduates, training them and preparing them to get the appropriate jobs.
No; in fact, it is one of the administrative departments of the University which receives its instructions and financial support from the University's administration.
Yes. The Board of Trustees decided on 31/12/2007 to change the title of "The Recruitment Unit" into "The Alumni Unit". This decision came as a result of the expansion of the Unit's work to include services in the fields of recruitment, training and rehabilitation, following up the students' research, guidance, the graduate's club and other related activities.
It is located on the 2nd floor of The Student Activities Building- Old Campus- An-Najah National University, Nablus-Palestine.
It offers its services to all the graduate students of An Najah University, regardless of their year of graduation, total average, sex, places of residence, field of specialization or faculty.
It covers a number of important topics that are most needed by the graduate students which enable them to search for and start a job such as writing a C.V., preparing the students for the job interviews, correspondences in both Arabic and English languages, archiving the files electronically and manually, maintaining a good relationship with one’s boss and his/her colleagues at work, acquainting participants with the labor law, the importance of “the suitable person in the suitable place” policy, tidiness and proper appearance at work, in addition to other related topics.
This course aims at introducing the essential concepts of the computer skills and its programs that enable students to get different jobs, such as; Microsoft Office Programs, internet, E-mail and other specialized programs including; Graphic, Photoshop, Access and other programs.
Up to the present, no. Actually, these courses are only tailored to serve the students of An-Najah University. However, any student from other universities can join the courses held by the Continuing Education Center at the University or the Korean Palestinian IT Institute of Excellence, where different courses of different topics are offered there.
Services are offered to all companies and institutions that search for employees from all over the country.
Yes, we have a good relationship with many companies and institutions that can also help us in getting the information we need about other companies, especially those which are outside Palestine.
No; all the services we offer are free of charge whether they are offered to the graduates or to the institutions and companies.
When the Alumni Unit first started its work, we knew that it was the only one in the Arab world to offer such services. Later on, a number of Palestinian universities followed suit and this, for sure, is a source of pride for us.
The total average (GPA) is important but the student should also have other personal skills that enable him to get the job which can be acquired through some training courses, voluntary work, and participating in workshops and the activities that help in improving the graduate's character and personality.
The Alumni Unit offers help to freshman students in choosing their field of specialization if they have not made up their minds yet. This sort of counseling is provided through the preparation of special bulletins or through receiving the students in the Unit. Further, the student has to think (when choosing a major field of study) of realities such as his/her personal interests, his/her high school average, his/her family's financial situation, and the need of the job market for his/her specialization. The Unit also keeps students acquainted with the job opportunities he/she may get after graduation and the importance of keeping always in contact with his/her advisor at his/her department.
The Student Research Department aims at marketing the students' graduation projects, and research and projects that they accomplish in all domains through their course of study. The idea arose when the University's administration and the Alumni Unit became alerted to the fact that many of the students' research projects have been lost and forgotten without being saved for the following generations.
The “Public Relations for Institutions” course is one of the courses that is supervised by The Continuing Education Center at the University. Mr. Rafe Daraghmeh, Director of the Alumni Unit is the lecturer of the course due to his experience in the PR field since he worked for 10 years in the Public Relations Department in the University, ending his task as its director in 2005.
In fact, this is one kind of the important materials that are published on our website. There are other useful things such as C.V templates, useful essays, important links and others. We daily publish the job vacancies in the newspapers on our website and delete the ones that exceed the deadline. The main aim of that is to enable the visitor of the website who didn't check the newspaper to find all the job vacancies on our website any time he/she wants as long as they don't exceed the deadline.
The C.V. is like a passport for the graduate students that enables them to attract the employer's attention and to call the candidates with attractive CVs to a job interview. In fact, it's a summary about the student's personality, academic achievements, practical experience, linguistic and computer skills and other information. Therefore, it's important to pay attention to the C.V's format and core. Furthermore, we have published some C.V templates both in Arabic and English on our website and they are also part of the "Be Ready for Work" course that has been created for the purpose of training students on how to write their C.Vs.
Readiness needs to be achieved on the personal and credential levels. On the personal level, the student should be prepared to face the new realities of the job market and to acquaint him/her self with the proper methods of employing his/her educational experience in the practical work environment. He/she may need to join training courses and participate in the voluntary work so that he/she becomes capable of merging in the job market successfully without let or hindrance. On the credential level, the student should prepare a hard-copy file that contains his/her C.V, a copy of his/her certificates, experience certificates (if available) and a portrait. Moreover, he/she needs to make several copies so that they become handy for sending to different companies and institutions. Furthermore, the student has to scan all his/her papers and keep soft copies of each document so that he/she can email them to the recruiting companies and institutions.